Los Angeles Congress of Neighborhoods Planning Committee
The Congress works to advance the mission of the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council system, promoting more citizen participation in government and making government more responsive to local needs by bringing together leaders from throughout the City to learn, support, and lead together.
The Planning Committee is composed of individuals with a passion and dedication for the mission and activities of the Congress
What do people on the Planning Committee do? A lot!
Opening Session/Entertainment
Exhibitor Fair
Social Media/Website
All volunteers are encouraged to help plan the big event. Folks interested in joining the Planning Committee and voting on the big decisions at our monthly Planning Committee are required to:
Attend monthly Planning Committee meetings (first Saturdays at 1:30pm)
Actively participate in one of the Subcommittees (see below) or manage a project (see list to the left for examples)
Commit to one year’s participation in the Planning Committee
Want to learn more?
Feel free to attend a meeting or reach out to us at info@nieghborhoodcongress.la and we’d be glad to chat with you about getting involved.
Los Angeles Congress of Neighborhoods Subcommittees
The Executive Subcommittee, composed of the Planning Committee officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary) and subcommittee chairs, oversee the activities of the Planning Committee and its subcommittees such as defining responsibilities, tasks, and timelines.
The Executive Subcommittee meets every Sunday at 7pm.
Coordinates fundraising and sponsorship efforts; reviews financial reports, provides oversight of Congress finances (including budgeting and tracking revenue, and expenditures).
The Budget & Finance Subcommittee meets the fourth Saturday of every month.
Subcommittee members promote activities of the Planning Committee by developing and executing a marketing plan that includes metrics for measuring monthly progress. The Subcommittee makes presentations to the Neighborhood Councils, alliances, other partner groups, as well as manages social media, website, press relations, etc.
The Outreach Subcommittee meets the second Thursday of every month at 5 pm.
Subcommittee members coordinate venue logistics (site plans, security, loading/unloading, etc.), vendors (catering, rentals, etc.), technology ( recording, filming, editing, online participation, etc.), volunteers, exhibit hall, registration; as well as produce event-wide content such as keynote addresses, in-memoriam, etc.
Subcommittee members define and produce learning content (workshops, panels, seminars, etc.) including, but not limited to, developing content, recruiting speakers, revising copy, guiding workshop facilitators in their preparation for the event.
The Workshop Subcommittee meets every Tuesday at 4pm.