Congress LA 2021
Below is the list of all the workshops and sessions that took place during Congress LA 2021 on September 25, 2021.
Click “View Event” to watch the video for each workshop.
Opening Session
Closing Session
Lunch and Learn
Video Break 1
Video Break 2
Video Break 3
Video Break 4
Video Break 6

Climate Change Choices for Los Angeles: Power, Electrification, Water, Adaptation, and Costs the Poor Can Bear
This workshop will show how the LA100 power project is part of a much bigger climate challenge for the City of LA. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Power Beyond the CIS: Votes limit speech. Act as individuals, engage the whole community.
When we really think about it, how much does does a Neighborhood Council’s Community Impact Statement (CIS) move the needle in City Hall? Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Using an Inclusion and Diversity Lens
This session will tackle how we can work towards truly celebrating the diversity of our neighbors. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Involving Youth in Neighborhood Councils: Real Integration At All Levels
What does it mean to effectively integrate youth into the Neighborhood Council system? Click “View” Event to watch the video.

Redistricting in LA: Your Voice...Your Power
Redistricting is a once-a-decade opportunity to redraw our city’s district boundaries to ensure fair representation for all Angelenos. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Street Encampments: What Can and Cannot be Done
In this session, hear from the LAPD about what we can do and how long it will take them to do it. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Neighborhood Purposes Grants: Expectations, Philosophies, Pitfalls
How much of our annual budget should be allocated to NPGs? Click “View Event” to watch the video.

A Critical Analysis of the City Budget
In this session on the City Budget, participants will explore areas of concern to Angelenos. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Dismantling the School to Prison Pipeline Through the Arts
In this workshop, participants will learn how to engage youth through education, music, art, and other forms of self-expression to help them grow, learn to be productive citizens, and reach their potential. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Creating a More Efficient, Effective and Equitable Los Angeles
The Controller's 25-30 minute presentation will include insight on his Revenue Forecast Report and LA Equity Index. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Understanding Our Inherent Biases
This workshop provides an interactive exploration of the City's new Implicit Bias Training, now required for every NC board member. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

City Barriers to Neighborhood Power: DONE, BONC, Attorney, Clerk Funding, Elections
While well-meaning in isolation, collectively, the cumulative rules and requirements are stifling. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Navigating Land Use: A Guide for Neighborhood Councils Land Use Committees
This workshop will include a panel of recognized land use leaders to weigh in and offer guidance for NC Land Use Committees. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

A Marketing Plan for Every Neighborhood
The "outreach" function does NOT consist of buying imprinted merchandise in the hope that it will help people discover our Neighborhood Council. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Hot Legal Issues for Neighborhood Councils
This session is an opportunity to discuss legal issues and concerns facing your neighborhood council. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

When Board Members Behave Badly: What tools do Boards have to address this?
Let's start the conversation about how NC Board members can take the lead and implement change in this area. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

¡Háblame! Best Practices for Engaging Spanish Speakers
The best way to reach Spanish speakers is to listen to Spanish speakers themselves. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Our Land Use Future - How Neighborhood Councils Can Stay Relevant
Fewer developments come to Neighborhood Councils for review. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

2021 Neighborhood Council Elections Feedback and Vision Session
The vote-by-mail 2021 NC elections required NCs to change their approaches to candidate recruitment and to get-out-the-vote efforts. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Social Media for Neighborhood Councils: Policy & Best Practices
This session will cover practical tips and policy considerations for NC social media use. Learn best practices for choosing content, sharing the workload, dealing with trolls, and using tools like hashtags or bio links. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Bylaws Revisions and Standing Rules: A Deep Dive
The window for bylaws changes will close on April 15th, 2022. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

The City's New Workplace Violence Policy: Affects All City Workers Including NCs
The City of Los Angeles believes that nothing is more important than the safety and security of its employees, customers, and visitors. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

How We Can Support Our Unhoused Neighbors
Join Neighborhood Council members, nonprofit professionals, community volunteers, and other advocates to hear how individuals can make a positive impact in our City’s most extreme crisis: homelessness. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Organizing and Training Neighborhood Disaster Response Teams
The Neighborhood Team Program (NTP) combines the best aspects of the CERT Training, RYLAN block organization, and Neighborhood Watch into a comprehensive and easy to implement turn-key solution. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Expanding City Functions: Public Bank, Public Health, Free Broadband
Can you imagine Los Angeles with its own Public Bank, City Health Department, and free city-wide internet access? Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Alliances and Liaisons: Find Your Power and Passion
Playing a role in alliances or as a liaison is a great way to increase your Neighborhood Council's power over City services. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

"What's wrong with what I said?": Understanding and Eliminating Microaggressions to Foster Safer Spaces for All
Join the LGBTQ+ Alliance of Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils to learn how to recognize what microaggressions are and how they create hostile environments. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

Getting to 100% Renewable Energy ASAP
Have you been hearing talk about the need to move to 100% renewable energy and wondering what that means for you, your lifestyle, and your home, and what role neighborhood councils can play? Click “View Event” to watch the video.

What Neighborhood Councils Have Done And Can Do Regarding Animal Welfare
Neighborhood Councils have been instrumental in animal welfare issues over the last few years. Click “View Event” to watch the video.

The People's Budget LA: Radically Rethinking City Priorities
What would happen if the City prioritized social services and human life over military policing? Click “View Event” to watch the video.