Playing a role in alliances or as a liaison is a great way to increase your Neighborhood Council's power over City services. This speed-dating session will introduce participants to Liaison positions such as Film Liaison, Homelessness Liaison, Dept. of Public Works Liaison and Alliances such as the Emergency Preparedness Alliance, and PlanCheck. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn how to expand your network!
Moderator: John DarnellSpeakers: Muriel Nacar, NCSA Len Shaffer, NCEPA Ron Migdal, NC Public Safety Chairpersons' Alliance Josh Nadel, Budget Tribunes and LA Youth Alliance Max Kirkham, LGBTQ+ Alliance Conrad Starr, Resilience Liaison Matthew Wersinger, Westside Regional Alliance of Councils Glenn Bailey and David Uebersax, LANCC Hayden Ashworh, Public Works John Darnell, Grievance Panel Tony Wilkinson, VANC